Drinking Doi Chaang Coffee was a pleasant surprise for me as I had not tried this locally roasted coffee in my coffee drinking over the last several years.
My coffee knowledge and training came from working at a Starbucks for four years and while the knowledge given was solid as was the training, it had a Starbucks influence to it so I have tried to add my own knowledge and experience since.

Doi Chaang is name after a village in north-eastern Thailand. As the company explains on its website, they have adopted a Beyond Fair Trade business model emphasizes the importance of the Akha Hill Tribe in Thailand and their role in growing the coffee.
This “50-50 business model, an exclusive relationship where we would buy green beans at a significant premium to Fair Trade pricing and return 50% of our profits to the producers in Thailand.” That’s impressive!

Doi Chaang Coffee is a single-estate, premium Arabica coffee. The arabica plant itself is often used as a guarantor of quality and as a marketing tool. That being said plant and bean quality and sub species can and does vary.
Doi Chaang uses a premium Arabica and relies on shade grown methods as plants are covered by a canopy of fruit and nut trees.
They roast in Richmond, B.C., are organic and do not use any pesticides. They described their processing extensively on their website.
Social Medium
Social Medium is the blend of coffee I tried from Doi Chaang and while I generally like my roasts and blends a little darker it was an enjoyable cup of Joe.
The company describes it as having notes of cedar, cardamom, brown sugar, raisin. I did not get all those notes but I did like the fact that Sumatran & Nicaraguan beans are present.
I always try coffee’s using three different brewing methods: stove top espresso maker, french press, and cone filter coffee pot.
I have included the Starbucks Bialetti video here as that is the brand of stovetop I use and it was at Starbucks where I first learned about these stovetops.
I have also found a great review on Business Insider regarding stovetop espresso pots.
And The Verdict Is……
All in all I would rate this as a solid cup of coffee, something that would satisfy many tastes and palettes, without it being too dark or too adventurous. Not everyone is like me in that they want to push the boundaries of what they drink.
It would make a great summer iced coffee with fruit added to it and then stored in the fridge as a cold brew.